Hina Kuzushi

Found: 4
Shag Town: Space Exams

When you`ve played some games out of``Fuck Town`` series then you`ve happened to maneuver exmainations to find some fuck-fest at the past... but have you ever attempted to pass up examination on becomeing the role of first-ever ever trip to Mars? Tonight you`ll! Even tho your main task will be to pass a few tests to become to a space exploration staff that this game isn`t merely a string of score rounds. Here you`ll have some form of narrative, you might need to conversate together and may meet personalities, you will explore space center to find all the people and knowledeges you might need afterward and so on. Fine graphics, gameplay according to merging diverse mechanics and ofcourse anime porn minigames is what you you should hope!

Hina Kuzushi
Found: 4